Households in Gulmi Awaiting Compensation for Wildlife Menace Damages

Published 2024 Jan 18 Thursday

Gulmi: Farmers in Gulmi district are facing delays in receiving compensation for damages caused by wildlife to their crops and cattle. Despite submitting applications to the District Forest Office seeking compensation and relief, affected households have not received any assistance yet.

Wild animals have not only damaged crops but also posed threats to domestic animals and humans. The victims, frustrated with the lack of response, expressed their concerns about the prolonged wait for compensation. The District Forest Office has reportedly not allocated the funds necessary for compensation, causing further delays.

According to the victims, the relief and compensation process, outlined in the Directive related to damages caused by wild animals, is not being effectively implemented. The Division Forest Office in Gulmi stated that it is awaiting funds from the Province Forest Directorate to distribute compensation to the affected households. The relief amount is expected to be directly deposited into the accounts of the victims once received.

In the fiscal year 2079/80, the Division Forest Office recorded 68 domestic animal deaths due to wildlife attacks, and crops of 11 households were damaged. The compensation amounts specified in the directive range from Rs 10,000 to Rs 1 million, depending on the severity of the damage or loss suffered by households.
